Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pinterest shaving cream coloring eggs

Aiden is having a sick day. He really just seems tired but his regular active self, so not too sick.  I decided to boil our eggs for Easter egg dying and I put a couple aside to try out the shaving cream color eggs, I saw on Pinterest. The rest of the eggs we have a egg dye kit from my inlaws.  They know aiden likes to color eggs.
The directions are to put the shaving cream in a bowl or container with a few drops of food coloring, mix together with finger. Put the egg in the shaving cream and fully cover. Let sit 15 minutes then wipe off excess shaving cream.  
I also dipped them in vinegar first. 

They didn't say it was such a messy activity lol but wicked fun! 
They came out pale green/ blue not as bright as I'd hope but nice. It was more for the activity anyway.  

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Children's Museum of Greater Fall River

Last night we went to the Children's Museum of Greater Fall River with Fall River People Incorporated! Aiden has been there a couple times before so he remembered how to get to the dinosaur room, his favorite. I signed in and Ricky and Aiden went right down the hallway. He stopped in the water room and liked watching another child play and then we went to the Dinosaur Room!  Aiden loves the dinosaur room. Between stuff to climb on and go through, a sensory rubber wood chips area, and of course ~Dinosaurs everywhere~ he loves it.  Last night a few other kids played around him and he really liked that too, Aiden doesn't have siblings or cousins his age so it was nice to see.  Thank you People Incorporated for having a special night at the Children's Museum!